The content on this Web site has been prepared by and is the responsibility of Graves Law PLLC and is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Receipt of any information on this website does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship. Please do not act upon information contained in this website without seeking professional counsel. Please do not send information about any matter that may involve you until after you receive a written letter of engagement that we represent you. Content on this website may not include the most current legal developments, verdicts and settlements, and while we make every reasonable effort to ensure that this site is correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Graves Law PLLC makes no warranties or representations as to accuracy. Any description of representative matters included in the content on this website are not intended to imply that similar results may be achievable in a future matter or to create any unjustified expectations. The results in each legal matter are a function of the facts and law that apply to that matter. Graves Law PLLC has its principal office in Houston, Texas.